NATIVITY LIVE 2016Come and experience the Christmas story live and in person!
ONE NIGHT Sunday, December 18 FOUR PERFORMANCES 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30 pm ACTORS, MUSIC & LIVE ANIMALS
in a quaint outdoor setting make the story of Jesus' birth come alive! Bring your family & friends to the very first performances
of our newly updated NATIVITY LIVE. COOKIES & HOT CHOCOLATE served following each performance |
Benefiting Union Mission MinistriesWe'll be collecting donations to benefit the Union Mission at all four performances. Please bring any of the following items to donate.
Thanks for your help! ITEMS NEEDED 100 razors, 50 deodorants, 100 toothpastes, 50 men's/women's underwear (sizes 5-12), 10 bus passes and various toys for kids ages 11-12 years old. |